Properly Organize Your WFH Workday | Belo Medical Group

WFH? Here’s How to Properly Organize Your Work Day

By Ysabel Vitangcol on February 14, 2021

From long commutes to and from the office and dealing with officemates face-to-face, most of us now have to operate from home. That’s not such a bad thing, right? You get to roll out of bed in your PJs and dive straight into your e-mails? Not worry about how you look? Sneak in a Netflix series while you work on a presentation? Sure, that’s always an option. But if you want to get things done, you might want to treat your home workspace like an actual office so you don’t end up slacking off. The more the environment is set up to inspire you to work, the more you’ll be motivated to get things done. Don’t know where to start? Don’t fret. Here are some tips to properly organize your work day.

  1. Organize your workspace.  

Designate a well-lit area where you will work. Have your essentials within reach, like your computer, hard copy documents, drinking water, and other items. This helps minimize the temptation to wander off and do something unrelated to work. Keep the workspace as free of clutter as possible.

  1. Get dressed for work.

It may sound weird, but it does wonders to get you in a proper work vibe. Now, you don’t have to go all out in this department, like, wear stockings and heels, but at least get into something that’s not lounge wear so you don’t feel like ripping open a bag of chips or collapsing onto the couch.

  1. Make a list of deliverables. 

Identify all your deliverables so you can allot time for each of them throughout the day. Studies have shown that the mere physical activity of manually writing down notes helps boost memory and comprehension, as well as the brain’s ability to recall concepts. So reach for pad and paper, and don’t make your to-do list on your phone or laptop. 

  1. Establish working hours. 

Divide your tasks into chunks, like responding to e-mails, attending meetings, and doing creative work so you manage your time more effectively. Include regular breaks so you can stretch, take a walk, have a cup of coffee, and make that quick social media scroll. This will also help you disconnect after work and enjoy your downtime.

  1. Wrap up and plan for the next day.

At the end of the day, go back to your list so you can keep track of your progress and make adjustments accordingly. Note your top three priorities so you can zoom in on these the following day. 

Working from home has its share of comforts and discomforts, and not falling into the rabbit hole of distraction is a daily challenge we all have to deal with. But with the right frame of mind, a little self-discipline, and by maintaining a healthy daily routine, we can enjoy the benefits of maximizing our day and crafting our ideal productive day to your liking. Good luck!

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