5 Myths about Laser Treatments, Debunked!

By Ysabel Vitangcol on December 23, 2020

Lasers have been around for ages in various applications and industries, but for some reason there are still myths about its safety especially when it comes to applications in medicine and cosmetology. 

We’re here to bust five of the most common myths about laser treatments so you can decide for yourself if it’s for you or not. 

Myth #1: Laser treatments do more harm than good for the skin.

False! Lasers, when used properly by trained professionals, are absolutely safe and carry a lot of benefits when it comes to skincare treatments. The best part about lasers is that it’s the ideal solution for non-invasive procedures, meaning less cuts required. It’s so high-tech that lasers can be programmed to target minute areas to make sure it addresses specific concerns or to help give the skin a little boost that it needs. 

For example, Belo Medical’s Laser Genesis, a non-invasive laser treatment that works by heating the upper dermis of the skin, helps accelerate collagen production to improve skin tone, smoothen the skin, and remove fine lines and wrinkles. 

Laser machines like RevLite, often regarded as “the gold standard of laser machines”, uses a revolutionary technology to remove wrinkles, even out skin tones, eliminate acne scars, and even remove tattoos without damaging the skin. Some people also believe that lasers can make the skin thinner, when in fact lasers stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which both work to make the skin thicker and more elastic. 

Myth #2: Laser treatments around the eye area damage the eyes.

Absolutely not. While it is true that lasers can be dangerous when pointed directly to one’s eye, laser treatments around the eye area are perfectly safe, just like Laser Blepharoplasty (which uses a carbon dioxide laser). It helps remove unwanted eye bags and dark circles around the eyes. 

In fact, it’s a lot safer to use lasers to address concerns about saggy eye bags because it eliminates the need for scalpels to do the procedure. 

Myth #3: Laser treatments are painful.

Not at all! Some treatments may feel a little warm to the skin or may cause slight redness, but it’s not painful at all. Plus the redness usually goes away after an hour or two.

This may also depend on the patient’s threshold for pain. It’s best to inform your dermatologist if you start to feel uncomfortable during the laser procedure. Thanks to the constant innovation of the industry, laser treatments have become more painless and more accessible. 

Myth #4: Laser treatments take longer to heal.

Wrong! Procedures using lasers are typically done as an out-patient procedure because it barely has any post-procedure downtime. Usually, a little redness or swelling may occur, but it won’t impede your functions and it usually subsides after a couple of hours. Laser treatments also don’t require any cuts or incisions, so there’s no wound that needs healing. In fact there are some laser treatments that soothe the skin while doing its job, like the Cool Glide Laser (which uses Cool Glide Vantage and XEO Laser Systems which has a “cooling treatment tip” to remove unwanted hair and refresh the skin. 

At Belo Medical, we also use the state-of-the-art Fotona StarWalker Laser (AKA Belo Angel Whitening) to give our patients radiant and blemish-free skin with virtually no downtime. 

No way! In fact, there are several laser technologies and treatments that are meant to treat acne safely and effectively.

At Belo Medical, patients suffering from active acne (or even “maskne” or break-outs caused by regularly wearing face masks due to COVID) can have the ADVAClear treatment. This treatment combines “pure yellow and high powered infrared laser energy to eliminate rosacea, acne, acne scars and undesired vascular abnormalities such as telangiectasia, hemangioma and venous lakes” to restore your skin to its former glory. Even when treating active acne, this laser treatment only causes a slight discomfort and no downtime, save for some redness or swelling which will go away naturally in just a couple of hours. 

So now that we’ve cleared up some of the most common misconceptions about laser treatments, always remember that the success of the procedure also depends on you — the patient — and how well you’ll follow the after-care regimen that your dermatologist will give you to make sure your skin heals properly. 

To book your laser appointment, call 8819-BELO, or email info@belomed.com.

Want to chat before diving in? Click here to book an online consultation with a Belo MD. If you want to speak to the Beauty Expert herself, click here to book an online consultation with Dr. Vicki Belo.

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