Ask Agoo: On Face Slimming and Starting the Year Right

By Ysabel Vitangcol on February 7, 2022

I’ve had some post-holiday weight gain and want to get rid of my double chin. Any quick and easy fixes?

I hear ya! The holidays were a binge fest that made us forget about calorie counting—and focus on the joy of eating and reconnecting with loved ones. Aside from cutting out starchy foods, lessening the intake of dairy, and reducing sodium consumption (this helps you to de-bloat), you can turn to Belo face slimming treatments that promise to improve the appearance of a fuller face. First off, there’s Skin Reboot. This one-hour treatment uses radiofrequency and microcurrent. This combo allows for deep penetration of a plant-based emulsion. It’s 100% painless and instantly tightens and contours the skin. I suggest you try this a day prior to an event or special occasion, because the results are ah-mazing.

Another treatment that I would recommend is V-Contour. According to Dr. Jetty Magallona of the Belo BGC flagship clinic, this injectable contains a plant-based cocktail of slimming and fat-eliminating ingredients. For the face, these areas are usually right under the chin and the fuller, lower part of cheeks. V-Contour may also be used on the arms, armpits, tummy, thighs, and calves. Both face slimming treatments are non-invasive and virtually painless—and grant visible results almost immediately. 

Why is it always hard to get back into work mode after the long Christmas and New Year break? Any tips for getting back on track without overwhelming yourself?

Getting back into the habit of things, especially work, can understandably be grueling. How can it not be? During a break, there aren’t any alarms that need to be set (or put on snooze), and you’re allowed to indulge in anything you feel like doing. I find that any form of meditation can help tremendously. Yoga (which also serves as exercise) or any mindfulness practice can help pave the way for a calmer, more focused mind. It won’t be easy, and you may fall of the wagon a few times, but it’s important to set some goals for yourself work-wise. It might also help to remind yourself that you still have weekends off. Although weekends may seem short, they’re still days you can look forward to at the end of a long week.

I’m worried about this new surge in cases due to the Omicron variant. What measures can I take to protect myself? 

Experts are telling us that the Omicron variant may just be the most infectious one yet. Although symptoms are said to be on the mild side, it’s still important to protect ourselves, because our bodies react differently to viruses. We mustn’t gamble our lives, and instead invest in proven and effective measures to ensure our and our family’s safety at all times. One thing I think we should consider investing in is the Intellipure Compact Air Purifier. It’s powered by a patented DFS (Disinfecting Filtration System) technology that removes 99.99% of harmful viruses, fungi, molds, and bacteria as small as 0.007 micron (note: the virus that causes COVID-19 is 0.125 micron). Its technology is 40x more efficient than a HEPA filter, making it the preferred purifier in hospitals. Its compact size is also perfect for small spaces like bedrooms and offices that are up to 35 sqm. in size. 

Another great way to ensure that the spaces you occupy are de-contaminated is to use Dr. Guard, a patented air disinfection, sterilization, and deodorization technology using pure Chlorine Dioxide. Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a World Health Organization (WHO) recognized safety class A-1 sterilization material. It’s non-toxic to the skin, airways, and eyes, and is non-carcinogenic. Dr. Guard is certified by the WHO, FDA, EU, and Ministry of Environment in Korea to be effective against various microbes, including the Coronavirus and H1N1 virus.

How is the stick used? First, hold both ends of the stick and bend it to break the glass ampoule enclosed. When the glass ampoule inside the product breaks, the product will turn yellow-brown. Activation will take about 1-2 hours. You may also opt to accelerate activation by shaking the product for 2-3 minutes. Over time (about 20-30 days), the color will turn from yellow to white. When it does, replace the stick and throw it as non-recyclable waste. 

For everyday protection when we step out of the house (or for those who are isolating at home and want to protect the rest of the household), the Anti-Maskne Mask 2.0 is an excellent option. It not only effectively reduces acne formation with its copper fabric but is also effective at repelling droplets and dust. How? Copper antibacterial fabric is made by ion bonding copper to fibers. When the cell membrane reaches copper, it destroys the cell structure of microorganisms, preventing bacterial multiplication with 99.9% semi-permanent antibacterial function. The best part about this mask is the comfort and ease you feel while using it. I swear, it’s the only mask I can wear for hours upon hours—it never hurts my ears, and I never feel out of breath while wearing it. Did I mention it comes in the cutest colors too? 

To learn about Skin Reboot and other face slimming treatments, click here to book an initial consultation with a Belo doctor.

Words by Agoo Azcuna-Bengzon

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