14 Important Wedding Day Items Every Bride Needs

By Ysabel Vitangcol on July 6, 2023

After months (or even years!) of planning, the Big Day is just around the corner. We know you won’t allow all the time you spent prepping go to waste just because of a stain on your dress or a snag on your hubby-to-be’s trousers. You can never be too certain, so make sure certain people in attendance—yourself included—have the following Important Wedding Day Items on-hand.

Your Important Wedding Day Items:

  1. Hair pins
    Don’t feel like pulling a Meghan Markle with wisps of hair on your face when you walk down the aisle? Pin loose strands so you can look royally beautifully your way.
  2. Safety pins
    Stow a couple in an inner or outer pocket in your gown, so you can fix any hitches in your dress on your own.
  3. Mints
    If there’s a day when you need to have excellent breath, this would be it. It’s the best way to feel confident and sexy for the big “You may kiss the bride!” moment.

Your Maid-of-Honor’s Essentials:

  1. Tissues
    Any maid of-honor needs to be prepared for a sudden cryfest, whether from your end or the rest of the entourage.
  1. A light snack
    You can’t risk a day of love being brought down by a ~hangry moment! 
  1. A stain remover
    Portable stain-removing pens are easy to find in local hardware stores. A cheap alternative for removing stains on your gown: white chalk!

Your Glam Team’s Essentials:

  1. A touch-up makeup kit
    At the very least, a professional makeup artist should always carry the shade of lipstick you’re wearing and oil-blotting sheets. If you want a change in look from the ceremony to the reception, let her know so she can pack the right products with her.
  2. Hairspray
    Again, this is just the basic for your hairstylist. If you’re having more than one hairstyle, she should come prepared with more tools.
  1. Nail polish
    Chipped polish won’t do for your photos. You can ask your makeup artist to keep a bottle in her kit, but make sure it’s the same color you’re wearing!
  2. Fabric Tape / “Fashion Tape”
    Double-sided fashion tape will be there to rescue you in case of fashion emergencies to make sure that your clothes are kept in place!

Your Wedding Coordinator’s Essentials:

  1. Sewing kit
    There are just some rips and tears a safety pin can’t fix.
  2. Superglue
    It’s hard to tell what can come undone on D-Day, but it can’t be anything superglue can’t put together.
  3. A first-aid kit
    While we’re warding off any accidents, it always pays to come prepared—especially if there’s an open bar involved.
  1. Double-sided tape
    Ribbons on the bouquet, dress flaps that won’t stay in place—these are just some of the situations where a little double-sided tape might come in handy.
  1. An extra copy of the vows
    Highly unlikely, but a case of vanishing vows can happen when you and your groom get too preoccupied.

Having these important wedding day items will make you be prepared on your special day! 

Don’t know where to begin in preparing for the Big Day? Belo can help with that! Our Belo Bride 2023 packages are now available! Click here to schedule a consultation or call us at 8819-BELO (2356).

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