She’s Back! The Slimming Procedures Georgina Wilson Used To Get Back In Shape

By Ysabel Vitangcol on September 22, 2017

As everyone now knows, ‘it’ girl, entrepreneur, and model Georgina Wilson-Burnand has taken on her most challenging role yet: that of a new mother to one of the most adorable babies you’ll ever see on Instagram, Archie. “My favorite thing about motherhood is the fact that I didn’t know I could be this happy,” Georgina beams. “I’m more relaxed, because no problem is too stressful. Everything is put into perspective when I’m with my baby.”

Georgina Wilson family selfie

The happy family! Georgina says she puts down her phone whenever she’s with Archie, so she can focus on their time together.

And while she’s clearly smitten with her new love, she’s candid enough to admit that motherhood isn’t without its challenges. “It’s really hard, when you’re living for someone else, to prioritize yourself,” reveals Georgina. “Moms always put themselves last.” This made Georgina to really force herself to commit to a serious diet and workout regimen (her version of self-care), because she realized that there should be no shame in investing in yourself, too. “You shouldn’t feel guilty about prioritizing your own life again.”

gym selfie of Georgina Wilson

Since George has a busy and unpredictable schedule, she wakes up earlier to hit the gym. “Take care of yourself, of your sanity and happiness. It’s hard when you’re a working mom, but you have to,” she shares. “And even if you’re not a mom, in this day and age, a woman is under so much pressure to be and give so much.”

But getting back into shape, shedding unwanted pounds, and tightening the skin around the belly—post-pregnancy or not—is a lot tougher than it seems. So, George chose to reach out and get help—another thing moms should really do, she says. One of the techniques she used to slim down faster? Her customized Body by Belo treatments. “Going to Belo is my me-time. The care and experience they give their patients is really something that sets them apart,” she shares. “Nowadays, there are so many clinics, but there’s nothing like being with someone who’s been in the industry for 27 years. You can’t just try anyone—it’s your beauty, your skin, and experience matters.”

Georgina Wilson playing with her baby
Georgina Wilson carrying her baby

She’s back! Nine (9) months after giving birth to Archie (right) and Georgina today. “I actually feel like I’m a better mom now that I’ve lost weight because I’m no longer sad,” reveals Georgina.

Check out our exclusive scoop on some of the most in-demand Body by Belo slimming procedures—and read on to find out which ones Georgina raves about the most!

The Body by Belo Treatment: V-Contour

According to Dr. Vicki Belo, founder and medical director of Belo Medical Group, V-Contour is an injectable treatment that targets fat. “It’s made from all-natural plant extracts, and it’s a fat-melting treatment ideal for stubborn bulges in both the face and body.” It’s a tolerable treatment because there are only minor redness and swelling after, which go down swiftly, and Dr. Belo assures “It’s nothing you can’t conceal.” Want proof of its efficacy? Look at Georgina’s wedding photos! “I had it done before my wedding, and I’m doing it again now. I’ve done my arms, back, and tummy,” Georgina reveals.

The Body by Belo Treatment: Thermage Body

Thermage relies on a safe, patented radiofrequency (RF) technology that gently lifts and stretches skin, leaving you with visibly tighter, smoother visage. Georgina swears by this treatment! “I love Thermage Body; I’ve had it done on my tummy, which I love, love, love! I recommend this to anyone who’s just given birth or if you just want to have a more toned abdomen.” With zero downtime and hardly any side effects, it’s also ideal for gals with on-the-go lifestyles and don’t have a lot of time to hit the gym.

Georgina Wilson wedding

All eyes on her! “I like that the V-Contour is all-natural and that it was so effective on my stubborn spots. I actually felt results right away,” shares Georgina.

The Body by Belo Treatment: Exilis and Venus Freeze

Dr. Belo explains why Body by Belo is such a comprehensive service—the procedures all work hand-in-hand to give you the best and most immediate results. “Since V-Contour is used for fat, we recommend combining it with either the Exilis or Venus Freeze treatments. These tightening treatments target the skin, making it firmer.” Both are RF machines, with applicators aestheticians use to massage on your body. “You will feel a little heat, but it’s very tolerable. With about 3-4 sessions of V-Contour coupled with Exilis or Venus Freeze, you’ll see optimum results,” says Dr. Belo.

The Body by Belo Treatment: Sculpsure

Want your dream, pre-baby body back with the wave of a (magic) wand? Another effective and non-invasive treatment that can help banish stubborn bulges in your arms, belly, and hips is the aptly-named Sculpsure. One session melts fat in about 25 minutes, and you can already feel the difference after 1-2 sessions. “You’ll feel a combination of warm and cold sensations on the body part being treated, but it’s tolerable. Again, there could be minimal redness and no downtime,” Dr. Belo reassures. This treatment is a step up from the usual laser systems in terms of efficacy, but it’s absolutely safe and comfy.

The Body by Belo Treatment: 360 Degrees Liposuction

Though George opted for the non-surgical route, there are also surgical options available for those who want more dramatic and faster results. But before you freak out at the thought of going under the knife, know that today’s 360 Degrees Liposuction is a lot more modern and designed to drastically reduce recovery time. Because the fat is melted with lasers before being suctioned out, this advanced treatment is proven to minimize excess bleeding, swelling, and bruising. Dr. Belo assures that down time isn’t so bad. “Many patients are up and about the following day. And once swelling subsides after a few days, you’ll start to notice a positive change. Remember though that it takes about 3-6 months to see the full results.”

The Body by Belo Treatment: BodyTite

Doctors highly recommend that you pair this minimally-invasive treatment with liposuction, since this RF-assisted tightening system is the most effective skin tightening and firming procedure—especially around the stomach area. It is designed to eliminate stubborn fat and even smoothen cellulite, while simultaneously re-contouring and firming your body. “We recommend this to post-partum patients,” explains Dr. Belo. “It can really help those with lots of loose skin since it’s not as physically demanding or as invasive as a tummy tuck.”

“Of course, the secret isn’t just one treatment or special procedure,” continues Dr. Belo. The trick is really coming in for a consultation, so the doctor can recommend the best Body by Belo treatments for you—just like they did for Georgina. “We can customize a winning combination of slimming treatments for every patient based on their needs, goals, and lifestyle, so they’re guaranteed to get the best results for their specific body type.”

Click here to schedule your appointment at the Belo clinic nearest to you today!

(photo credit: @ilovegeorgina on Instagram)

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