Belo Beautiful Stories

What causes flabby arms, and how do I treat it?

By Ysabel Vitangcol on July 16, 2024

Arm flab is a common concern for many individuals. Here’s what you need to know and what Belo can do to help!

Flabby arms, characterized by loose, sagging skin and excess fat, are a common concern, especially as people age. Various factors contribute to this condition, and understanding them can help individuals take targeted actions to tone and strengthen their arms:


Before and After V Contour Ultra Treatment
  1. Age-related changes. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and firmness due to a decrease in collagen and elastin production. “The natural aging process can also cause the skin to lose elasticity, resulting in sagging and flabby arms,” Dr. Marie Roxanne Velasco-Chen of Belo Clark says. 
  2. Lack of Exercise. Muscles require regular stimulation to maintain their tone and strength. When the arms are not exercised regularly, the muscles can weaken and lead to a softer, less toned appearance. 
  3. Weight Fluctuations. When a person gains weight, fat cells expand, and when they lose weight, these cells shrink but do not disappear. Rapid weight gain followed by weight loss can leave behind loose, sagging skin, as the skin may not have sufficient elasticity to return to its previous state. 
  4. Genetics. Genetics play a role in the distribution of body fat and muscle composition. Some people may be more prone to accumulating fat in their arms due to their genetic makeup. 
  5. Hormonal Changes. As women age and approach menopause, estrogen levels decrease. This hormonal shift can result in the redistribution of body fat, often leading to increased fat accumulation in the arms and other areas. Hormonal imbalances at other stages of life can also affect fat distribution and muscle tone.
  6. Diet and Nutrition. A poor diet lacking essential nutrients can contribute to flabby arms. Adequate protein intake is crucial for muscle maintenance and growth. Without sufficient protein, the body may not be able to build and repair muscle tissue effectively.

How to Fight the Flab with Belo

With this knowledge about flabby arms, Belo offers several approaches to getting rid of flabby arms. Dr. Velasco-Chen takes us through them and describes what they can do. 

Max Collins with Lipo for Arms
Doing liposuction has helped Max Collins gain confidence from every angle, allowing her to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle while juggling her duties on and off-cam as an actress and as a mom. “The entire process was quick and easy and I’m so happy that I did it.”
  • Belo 360° Liposuction. Dr. Velasco-Chen calls this the “gold standard of treatment to take away excess fats, effectively and safely.” 360° Liposuction takes into consideration how every party of your body is a sculpture. If you truly want to shape one part, you have to look at it from all angles. This is true especially when getting rid of your flabby arms. 

    The circumferential approach makes sure that after your 360° Liposuction, your arms are proportioned and well-sculpted. 

    Any 360° Liposuction procedure is followed up with Bodytite. This procedure uses a non-invasive Radio Frequency Assisted Lipo Tightening (RFALT) device. Bodytite tightens the skin especially since it’s been stretched by the fat. 
  • Onda CoolWaves Plus. The key difference between Onda Plus from its predecessor (Onda CoolWaves)? While both utilize Coolwaves® microwave technology for non-invasive body contouring, the Plus version includes an additional handpiece that improves microcirculation and drainage! This leads to enhanced treatment outcomes for this non-invasive and painless treatment.
  • V-Contour Ultra. Another non-invasive treatment, V-Contour Ultra utilizes strategically placed injections to dissolve the fat. Once the fat is dissolved, it is drained via the lymphatic system. It takes only about 10-15 minutes, depending on the body part!
  • Exilis. This radiofrequency treatment melts your fat and triggers collagen production to create youthful and tighter skin. Patients will experience a warming sensation during treatment, with minimal discomfort. 
  • Virtue RF. Because we naturally lose collagen, Virtue RF can stimulate its production, for a natural-looking lift and tightening of the arms. Apart from skin laxity, Virtue RF can also treat acne scarring and fine lines.

What to do after your treatments

Once you’ve achieved the arms you want via any of Belo’s options, you just need a little bit more patience so they’ll stay toned and looking good. Don’t forget that keeping those arms sculpted still requires dedication – from nutrition to getting up and moving! 

“One of the most important lifestyle changes you can make to maintain the results is to exercise regularly,” says Dr. Velasco-Chen. “If you gain some weight after the procedure, you won’t regain the fats in the treated area since fat cells are permanently removed during 360° Liposuction. However, other untreated areas of your body may get bigger during the process of gaining weight. That’s why exercise and proper nutrition are vital in maintaining the results.”

Our Belo doctors can best recommend treatments or a skincare regimen for you. We have clinics located around Metro Manila, Pampanga, Cebu and Davao! Give us a call at 8819-BELO (2356) or book your appointment here.

Please note that prices may change without prior notice and the final price will be based on the doctor’s quotation upon consultation.

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