Belo Beautiful Stories

TBH: This Night Repair Serum Helped Clear and Brighten My Skin

By Ysabel Vitangcol on April 17, 2021

ZO® Radical Night Repair is a skin resurfacing treatment that you can do in the comforts of your own home, which promises to improve skin texture and uneven pigmentation—and it actually works!

My name is Nice, and I’m a 29-year-old PR professional. I’ve always had problematic skin: oily and acne-prone. Although the breakouts lessened as time crept by and the years added up, I was left with the problem of acne scars. 

Last March 29, I had the greatest opportunity to have a consultation with Dr. Vicki Belo herself. As part of my skin journey, I was advised to use ZO® Radical Night Repair. I received precise instructions on how to use it: 5 pumps, 2x a day for 5 days, and sent me home with a warning that I’ll probably hate them for a week. Truth be told, I was scared and excited at the same time. Excited, because finally, this could be the solution to my ultimate skin problem! And scared, because why on Earth would I hate them? 

The Formula

This serum packs quite a punch. It contains 1% retinol to target skin elasticity and natural collagen health, Vitamins C,  E, and A to provide multiple antioxidant protection to prevent skin aging, Sichuan pepper fruit extracts, sunflower seed oil & rosemary leaf extracts to suppress inflammation and redness, and glycerin & Plukenetia Volubilis seed oil to hydrate and restore the skin barrier with essential lipids.

The Benefits

The Radical Night Repair’s innovative formulation ensures maximum anti-aging benefits including minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. It strengthens and tightens skin, helps improve skin brightness, and reduces the appearance of brown spots to provide a more even tone. The best news about it? It’s safe for all skin types!

The Test

Of course, this one-week peel plan relies on complete dedication to the cause—this means religiously putting it on the earliest of mornings and even the latest nights to bed. It’s pretty simple, but just a disclaimer: this peel is not for the faint of heart, or skin that has not been pre-checked by doctors from the Belo Medical Group. 

Day 1-3:
Day went as usual. Although I was applying the product as instructed, it did not feel heavy on my skin. My skin didn’t get oily throughout the day, either. Five pumps was a lot, so I applied it on my face, jawline and upper neck. My skin felt a bit warm every time I put on the product.

Day 4

My skin is starting to feel dry, with small and dry patches on my face.

Day 5

Woke up with VERY flaky and dry skin—and it’s been itchy throughout the day. It’s as if I put Elmer’s glue on my face (especially on my jawline), and I left it there to dry! 

Day 6

Done with my 5-day Radical Night Repair cycle and am now back to my usual ZO® routine:

  • ZO® Oil Control Pads
  • Belo Prescriptives Acne Astringent
  • ZO® Exfoliation Accelerator
  • ZO® Pigment Control and Blending Cream
  • Belo Prescriptives Sunscreen Gel

Applying products is a bit of a challenge because it felt very spicy. My skin is peeling so much that even applying sunscreen hurts.

Day 7

Skin is still peeling. It feels VERY rough and dry, and I feel like I have a sunburn. I have a hard time talking and laughing because my face “cracks,” haha!

Day 8

There are still brown patches on my skin, but it’s starting to feel much better. I’m a little oilier today compared to the other days, but I only have a few small flakes of peeling left.

Day 9

Not much peeling left. My skin is slowly getting back to normal, but it’s still a little red and with brown patches left. 

Day 10

Skin feels a little dry but I’m back to my regular skin routine with no peeling, no sting and no sensitivity to products!

The Verdict

Nice Domanog before and after ZO® Radical Night Repair

I’m a living testament to the effectiveness of ZO® Radical Night Repair, and if I could do it all over again, I would! The peeling process was uncomfortable at some points, but mostly very manageable. I am so happy with how my skin turned out. The marks are still there, but they are visibly lighter. What I’m most thankful for is that my skin doesn’t just look better, but it also feels really good. It feels smoother. I have less breakouts, too—I was actually expecting a breakout because it’s that time of the month, but I didn’t! I’m telling you, IT IS WORTH IT!

Click here to purchase the ZO® Radical Night Repair for P11,800.

Want to chat before diving in? Click here to book an online consultation with a Belo MD. If you want to speak to the Beauty Expert herself, click here to book an online consultation with Dr. Vicki Belo.

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