Belo Beautiful Stories

Varicose Veins Treatments to Try Right Now

By Ysabel Vitangcol on July 1, 2019

Consciously covering up your varicose veins on a daily basis can get tiring. The amount of concealer you put on your face to cover those red spider veins, or feeling obligated to wear pants everyday to keep your varicose veins from showing, is not just wasting your time, but is stopping you from flaunting everything you’ve got, from head to toe! 

Temporary fixes may seem to be affordable and bearable right now. But if you think about it, why spend that much time, energy and effort on something on a daily basis, when you can get rid of your problem for good? 

Quick and Expertly Done: Varicose Veins Treatments via Belo 

Dr. Vicki Belo of the Belo Medical Group describes varicose veins as “Green, large in diameter and also protrude from your skin. They can feel painful sometimes, so I recommend undergoing Sclerotherapy.” 

She goes on to describe that while Sclerotherapy isn’t an “instant fix, but this non-surgical and painless procedure can help, since it uses microinjections to shrink vein size. Each session takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and we usually require patients to come in at least 4 to 6 times, once every three weeks.” 

For very large varicose veins, an Ambulatory Phlebectomy may be recommended by your Belo doctor. It’s an invasive procedure that involves the removal of the varicose veins. Don’t worry—it’s an out patient procedure, and will be done under Local Anesthesia. 

For the small, red veins in the face, Dr. Belo recommends the G-Max Treatment. “It’s a special laser procedure that targets tiny veins,” she says. There is also a treatment called the Skin Genesis, which is a laser that targets the actual vessels, leaving the surrounding tissue intact. It doesn’t hurt—feels more like a stinging sensation—but you can choose to use topical anesthesia if you want. 

To learn more about what you can do to say goodbye to varicose veins for good, call 819-BELO (2356) to book an appointment.

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