Belo Beautiful Stories

Meet Dr. Josephine Grace Rojo Tan – Belo Rhinoplasty Expert

By Ysabel Vitangcol on November 22, 2024

As we celebrate World Rhinoplasty Month this November, get to know more about Belo’s only female rhinoplasty surgeon, Dr. Grace!

Who is Dr. Grace Rojo Tan?

Dr. Tan is the latest addition to Belo’s group of surgeons having joined in 2023. Born and raised in Bacolod, she completed her pre-medicine education in Cebu and became a licensed physician in 2015. Dr. Tan stands tall as the only female surgeon in Belo that specialises in facial plastic surgery (specifically rhinoplasty).

Dr. Tan is also a low carb and fasting practitioner, sharing her knowledge and passion on her social media, creating a huge following online.

Belo sat down with Dr. Rojo Tan to get to know about her process as a surgeon.

The Rhinoplasty Basics: Who it’s For, and How to Tell

“A rhinoplasty is for anybody who wants to improve their nose, whether in appearance or function,” Dr. Tan said. “Since we are Asians, generally, we really like to have a natural look, like naturally beautiful, even if it’s “gawa”.”

Dr. Tan shared what she defines as a ‘good’ result.

“The good kind of rhinoplasty for me is the one that will complement or harmonise the patient’s facial features, such as their eyes, their jawline and cheekbones; and something that will not highlight the nose when you see them,” she said. 

As a surgeon, Dr. Tan’s philosophy on performing rhinoplasty is making their patients feel seen as having a beautiful face “as a whole, not just having a beautiful nose”.

The Rhinoplasty Expertise

Did you know that there are different kinds of rhinoplasty? Dr. Tan breaks it down.

“We perform primary rhinoplasty. This is also known as the virgin case rhinoplasty, or those who have done rhinoplasty for the first time. Revision Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, is a secondary or even multiple rhinoplasty done in the same nose in hope to improve the previous outcome or address specific concerns.

As for methods, we also do augmentation rhinoplasty (improving the nose bridge), using Gore-tex®️. This is a nose implant made of a material called expanded polytetrafluorethylene or e-PTFE. Since Filipino [patients] lack a nose bridge, or dorsum, that’s the most common that we do.

We can also do tipplasty, which is improving the tip of the nose, and also alarplasty (reducing and improving the size & shape of the nostrils). Some can be done in combination but it’s all under the bigger umbrella of rhinoplasty. “

Do rejections happen? Yes, they do, even if chances are small. “To lessen the risk of rejection, sometimes, patients opt to do all autologous – meaning no foreign body kind of rhinoplasty. The most important material that we use comes from rib cartilage, so we call that rib rhinoplasty. We harvest the cartilage from the rib, and that’s what we use to do the materials needed for rhinoplasty: for the bridge, for the tip, and everything that’s needed to support the new nose. “

Dr. Tan also performed Rhinoplasty on Alex Gonzaga.

The Revisions

Dr. Tan has had her shares of revising performed rhinoplasties, mostly for patients who had it done elsewhere (outside of Belo Medical Group). These range for those who had infections, deformities, or even a protruding cartilage or Goretex. 

“Most often, especially for those related to inflection or rejection, that’s when we get a portion from the rib cartilage of the patient to make it an all autologous revision rhinoplasty.”

Dr. Tan's rhinoplasty patient

Advice from Dr. Tan

For first time patients, it is vital for you to communicate what you want to achieve with your  doctor, as s/he will inform you whether it’s doable or not, for reasons that each nose is structured differently.

“There are limitations on achieving what patients want, say, for example, if you really have a small nose, the augmentation will be limited. For those who have a very large nose, the reduction or redefining, or making it more contoured or structured, would also be  limited. Why? Because of the soft tissue, skin and fat that’s inside. Rhinoplasty has those limitations – which is why open communication with your surgeon is important, as well as establishing realistic expectations.”

Dr. Tan’s rhinoplastic philosophy is creating the nose that will “match your facial features” and one that is “an improvement” from your previous nose.

Dr. Grace Tan performing rhinoplasty

Dr. Grace Tan performing rhinoplasty


The past years of experience as a facial plastic surgeon have been fulfilling for Dr. Tan. Every fruit of her labour is worth it, seeing her patients “teary-eyed, out of joy, right after surgery.”

“When I see the expression on their faces – getting the look they’ve always wanted, and the face that they’ve always dreamt of with the improvement of their nose, for me, those are things that are just priceless.

Book your consultation with Dr. Josephine Grace Rojo Tan in our surgical centres in Belo NEXA or Belo Greenhills. Give us a call at 8819-BELO (2356) or book your appointment here.

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