Belo Beautiful Stories

What It’s Really Like To Get Arm 360° Liposuction

By Ysabel Vitangcol on June 13, 2018

If your arms have always been an insecurity and you can’t get them to slim down no matter how much you exercise, Belo 360° Liposuction might be the solution you’re looking for. “It’s a surgical and a laser-assisted procedure,” explains Dr. Guada Santos-Capiz, associate physician at the Belo Medical Group.

[RECOMMENDED READ: Here’s How Surgeons Determine If You’re a Good Candidate for 360° Liposuction]

It’s minimally invasive, and unlike other clinics, the doctor begins by melting the fat with a laser to make the suction process easier. If you’re considering to get 360° Liposuction and want to get slimmer, toned-looking arms, read our Q&A with these real patients to discover what it was like and why they think undergoing the procedure is worth it!


Veronica Baluyut Before and After get Arm Liposuction
Veronica Baluyut, 39 years old, Corporate Affairs and Compliance Officer

Q: What made you decide to get 360° Liposuction?
A: After giving birth, I kept complaining about my flabby arms to my husband (an example of my rants: “Ang taba ko. Taba ko talaga.”). I felt like my arms were heavy and I couldn’t wear clothes with short sleeves anymore. My self-confidence was gone and I felt envious whenever I’d see women who just gave birth, pero payat pa din.

Q: What made you decide to push through with the surgery?
A: I wanted smaller arms. I had a really good experience when I had my consultation about arm liposuction at Belo. My doctor explained everything so well and she answered all of my questions. Belo has the most experienced doctors, a well-trained staff, and Belo is number in cosmetic surgery in the Philippines. Naturally, I wanted to go there to get the best results.

Q: How did you prepare for the procedure?
A: I ate healthy food, took vitamins–especially iron, and got enough sleep.

Q: What was the operation like?
A: At first nakakaba, but it’s a minor surgery lang pala. I went back to work a day after a day of my surgery. My arms felt stiff and sore and I also experienced some pain and swelling. But I was already expecting this since my doctor explained this during my consultation. Everything was very tolerable. After the procedure, I had to take a round of meds (like antibiotics) and clean the incisions twice a day. I also had to wear a compression band.

Q: When did you see results?
A: Immediately, but I saw the big change in my arms after only 4 weeks. My arms became smaller and I felt so payat and sexy.

Q: What was the reaction of your family and friends after seeing the results?
A: Some would say, “Ang tapang mo naman…hindi ba masakit?” But I mostly got a lot of “Ang payat mo na!” comments. They said kahit chubby ka pala, ’pag smaller ang arms mo, you look payat na. Pwede makadaya sa mga chubby.

Q: Would you do lipo again if you had the chance?
A: Yes, of course I’ll do it again! I don’t regret my decision to get arm liposuction at Belo, since the whole process was awesome and I really love the results. It’s also helped me have a better lifestyle, because I’m eating 1,200 calories a day and running twice a week to make sure I maintain the results.

Q: How do you feel now after the360° Liposuction procedure?
A: Very happy! I can wear sleeveless now and I can flaunt my thinner arms. Shopping galore ng sleeveless!

Ma. Cecilia M. Gregorio before and after get arm liposuction

Ma. Cecilia M. Gregorio, 49 years old, Branch Operations Head

Q: Why did you decide to get 360° Liposuction?
A: I really wanted thinner and firm looking arms. I love wearing sleeveless blouses, but I felt conscious every time because I feel like everybody’s looking at my big and sagging arms.

Q: How did you prepare for the surgery?
A: I scheduled a consultation with my doctor from Belo first. The whole experience was very encouraging and informative. All my fears went away after the initial consultation because the doctor explained it in a manner that made me feel secure and excited—especially when we discussed the projected results that I can get from the arm liposuction procedure. Other than that, no other major preparations for the surgery. I just went through the usual medical clearance (cardio, blood test, etc.) that my doctor required.

Q: What was the actual 360° Liposuction procedure like?

A: It was quick and easy. I didn’t feel anything after sedation. When I woke up, they were already putting on the binder and the procedure was done! Recovery was a bit uncomfortable during the first week because I needed help to apply the meds, clean up the incisions, and manage the pad covers for the wound. The good thing is, I didn’t feel any pain after two days and I was back to my normal activities after one to two weeks. I also began exercising after a month.

Q: When did you see results?
A: Immediately! My arms became thinner, even if there was still swelling. After just one month, my arms became even thinner and firmer.

Q: How do you feel about your arms now?
A: After 360° Liposuction, I feel like I’ve regained confidence in wearing clothes that show off my beautiful arms. I always share this life-changing experience with relatives and friends! To make sure I maintain the results, I always try to eat a balanced diet and do a lot of arm exercises.

Q: Speaking of relatives and friends, what were their reactions after seeing the results?
A: When they first found out I was getting the surgery, they were a bit scared. But after they saw the results, a lot of my friends wanted to do it as well. I actually received a lot of requests from my relatives, friends & even friends of friends—they all wanted me to schedule an arm liposuction consultation/endorsement for them!

Q: If you could do it all over again, would you still get 360° Liposuction?
A: Definitely, a big yes!!! It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. My thighs are my next project!

Doris Jimenez before and after get arm liposuction

Doris Jimenez, 41, Communications Consultant

Q: Why did you decide to get 360° Liposuction for your arms?
A: The truth is, I never wanted to wear sleeveless item of clothing because my arms have always been a source of insecurity. I don’t think I even owned one sleeveless clothes before my 360° Liposuction.

Q: How did you prepare for the surgery?
A: My mind was set on doing it. During my consultation, Dr. Vicki Belo basically reaffirmed my desire and explained that it was right for me to do my arms first because this would frame my body. She explained the procedure very thoroughly to me.

Q: How did you prepare for the actual surgery?
A: Other than the fasting, I went about my day normally. My procedure was scheduled in the afternoon, so I still went to work in the morning.

Q: Can you describe what the actual surgery like?
A: I was sedated, so I really didn’t feel anything. When I woke up, I just walked out of the recovery room, went home, and ate. I was very hungry! Haha!

Q: What happened after the surgery? What was your recovery like?
A: This is what I always tell people about 360° Liposuction: It’s really not painful. At most, there is discomfort—like your muscles are just sore from exercising. You may also have bruises, but they eventually go away. The most difficult part will be the first 48 hours because you have small incisions on certain areas of the body where the anesthesia leaks out. But after that, it’s easy breezy. I was able to go back to work the next day and start exercising again after a month.

Q: When did you see results?
A: You’ll see the best results after 3 months or so. I love my arms now! They’re perfectly shaped and I don’t even have to exercise that hard anymore.

Q: Would you do 360° Liposuction again if you had the chance?
A: I actually did already! I had my abs liposuctioned and I plan on having my thighs done when I can.

Q: How did the people around you react after you had 360° Liposuction?
A: They loved it! In fact, I have a number of friends who decided to go for it also after they saw how good my results were.

Q: How do you feel after having the procedure?
A: Definitely happier. I went out to buy sleeveless clothes the day after my operation even if I was still wearing my binder.

Florence Magtalas, R.N. before and after get arm liposuction

Florence Magtalas, R.N., 42, OR Nurse/Patient Coordinator

Q: Why did you want to get 360° Liposuction?
A: I gained weight, so I couldn’t wear sleeveless and halter tops. I felt so insecure.

Q: Why did you choose to go to Belo for your procedure?
A: I really wanted thinner and toned arms and Belo has been the expert in liposuction for 28 years now. Everybody trusts Belo!

Q: How did you prepare for the surgery?
A: I researched and got the facts about liposuction. It’s easier to recover properly when you know what to expect.

Q: How did your family and friends react when they found out you were getting 360° Liposuction?
A: They were all excited to see the results!

Q: What was the operation like?
A: I didn’t feel anything. I was just asleep the whole time. As for recovery, I just felt some muscle pain—similar to what you get after an intense workout. The next day, I went to work.

Q: When did you see results?
A: Immediately! I saw more significant changes in my arms after a month and the best results came after three months. I just do the usual diet and exercise to help maintain the results.

Q: Would you do 360° Liposuction again if you had the chance?
A: Of course! I’m more confident now and I’m always wearing short sleeves.

Learn more about Belo 360° Liposuction or call 8819-BELO (2356) to schedule your consultation!

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