Here’s How Surgeons Determine If You’re a Good Candidate for 360° Liposuction

By Ysabel Vitangcol on July 14, 2023

Looking into shaping your body? 360° Liposuction is one of our procedures at Belo that may help with that. Hear it from our inhouse surgeons – Dr. Eloisa Buse, Dr. Ronaldo “Yo” Cayetano and Dr. Cess Odita – who will guide and help determine what makes a ‘good’ candidate for Liposuction!

FIRST THINGS FIRST – the importance of doing face-to-face consultations

Dr. Cayetano emphasizes the importance of doing a face-to-face consultation, as a virtual consultation can only do so much, being limited to a  “bird’s eye view of some information that a patient needs to know”. “We need to see the area that you’re considering. Cases differ from one another, so the surgeon needs to physically see the area that wants to be treated to assess if it’s really an ideal case for liposuction.”

Our surgeons also look into other factors to what Dr. Cayetano describes “the outside looking in” since not all desired areas for liposuction are caused by fat. This is where surgeons may recommend a different procedure if needed to properly address the concerns of the patient.

Say, if a patient is suffering from a fat problem that’s also known as lipodystrophy, it means, s/he will really benefit from Liposuction. For another scenario, say, a patient has sagging skin, doesn’t have stubborn fat but is looking into having a contoured figure. Liposuction won’t solve it, because liposuction addresses only subcutaneous fat. We will recommend another treatment for that. It’s not a cookie cutter approach – where the same solution is used without adjusting to the patient’s specific needs. This is why consultation is very, very important. 

“The Belo doctor that will see you will be able to navigate you to the right direction, and to the right procedure.”

So, who is an ideal candidate?

Someone who passes pre-operative testing prior to surgery. Our surgeons have to determine whether your body is able to handle the surgery you’re aiming to have. They instruct patients to conduct certain pre-operative laboratory tests just to make sure that there will be no complications during and after your surgery. “We do clearances from their primary doctors before anything, to check the patient’s general health before undergoing surgery,” says Dr. Odita. “Illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, they need clearances from their primary doctors. For post pregnancy, those who had a normal delivery, typically would be six months postpartum, but for those who did caesarian, it would be a minimum of one year.”

Someone who is not a heavy smoker or drinker. Heavy alcohol or nicotine intake greatly increases the risk of complications after surgery (whether cosmetic or non-cosmetic) which is why they are generally not approved by surgeons to proceed. In these cases, you may need to abstain from alcohol and/or smoking for a recommended period of time—and get clearance/approval from your primary physician before being able to proceed with your surgery. Medication is also prescribed post-surgery, so Dr. Buse highlights the importance of abstaining from alcohol intake as this may lower the effectiveness of the medication.

Someone with realistic expectations. When considering plastic surgery, our Belo surgeons will create the result that suits your personal features best—not what would suit somebody else. It’s all about making you the most beautiful version of yourself, not a copy of your peg. Dr. Cayetano has had patients who come to his consultations with pictures handy, sharing with him with expectations that liposuction can give them the appearance similar to a celebrity’s body. According to him, he had about 8 out of 10 patients with unrealistic expectations prior to consultation, which is why he enunciates the importance of a face-to-face consultation where everything is laid out for the patient.

“Everything is discussed during consultation – pre-surgery, what to expect and NOT expect from the procedure, possible side effects, the recovery and even the medicines that will be taken post-surgery,” he shared. “This also includes what kind of result s/he should expect based on his/her own anatomy.”

Someone with a support system who can help them recover. It’s harder to recover from anything alone, and that includes surgery like 360° Liposuction. Will you have family members or friends who can help you buy medicine, prepare your food, and help you move while your body is still sore from liposuction? If you live alone, you’ll want to make sure someone can be there for you until you’re healed. Your Belo surgeon will be asking you who will be there to help you as you recover. “Recovery is manageable and simple, but sometimes we also speak to the person(s) or companion(s) that will help care for our patients after the surgery,” Dr. Odita said. “Our patients have our contact numbers if they have any questions, too.”

If you think you’re a good candidate for the surgery of your dreams, let’s get started in turning that to a reality! To book your pre-surgery consultation, click here, or call 8819-BELO (2356).

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