Play Put a Finger Down: 5 Love Languages Edition!

By Ysabel Vitangcol on October 18, 2020

Let’s play a little game! Have you seen our recent post where Dr. Vicki Belo caught up with blooming new mommy, Anne Curtis-Smith and played “Put A Finger Down”? There is only one rule to this game—put down a finger when your answer is YES to our set of questions. 

According to Dr. Gary Chapman’s bestselling book The 5 Love Languages®, there are five universal love languages that can indicate how a person expresses his or her love for another. Your prize by the end of this game? You get to discover how you prefer to give and receive love. Ready? 

Question #1

Do you always use words to affirm your love to other people? 

Question #2

Do you strongly believe that action speaks louder than words? 

Question #3

Do you express your love through gifts and surprises? 

Question #4

Do you like spending (a lot of) time with them? 

Question #5

Do you prefer physical expressions of love? 


If you put down a finger for question 1: Your love language is words of affirmation. You always tell people you care about that you appreciate them. You compliment them, and you never let the day end without telling them you love them.

If you put down a finger for question 2: Your love language is acts of service. You like doing things for them, and with them. You enjoy prepping their coffee in the morning just as much as drinking it together. Something as simple as cooking their favorite pasta meal after a long day, or working out with them (even if you are not an active person!) can give you tons of fulfillment.

If you put down a finger for question 3: Your love language is giving/receiving gifts. No matter how small or big, with or without an occasion, you go out of your way to get them something. Maybe it’s a surprise delivery because you knew their cravings or a box of chocolates simply because you miss them. Anything…just because!

If you put down a finger for question 4: Your love language is quality time. You prefer being with them and giving them your full attention. You set date nights with them, weekend getaways, or even go to the grocery store, just to have more time together.

If you put down a finger for question 5: Your love language is physical touch. This is not just about physical intimacy—you like giving tight hugs after a long time of not being together. A quick squeeze of their hand to remind them that you are there for them, or even a pat on the back to celebrate small wins, is how you show love.

Do you still have fingers left up? Or do you express your love in all five languages? Whatever your results are, it pays to know and understand how you or your partner prefers to show and receive love in order to appreciate them better and to make any relationship work. 

Hope you enjoyed this quick game! You can visit their site here if you want to take a more comprehensive quiz about The 5 Love Languages®.

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